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预订 高被引Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design

进口原版 ELT(英语学习)

  • ISBN:9781607839798
  • 版次:1
  • 出版社:Artech House Publisher
  • 作者:
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预订 高被引Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design截图



书名: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
作者: Rogers, John W. M.
ISBN13: 9781607839798
类型: 精装
语种: 英语
出版日期: 2010-01-01
出版社: Artech House Publishers
页数(仅供参考,以实物为准): 513

Radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) are the building blocks that enable every device from cable television sets to mobile telephones to transmit and receive signals and data. This newly revised and expanded edition of the 2003 Artech House classic, Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design, serves as an up-to-date, practical reference for complete RFIC know-how. The second edition includes numerous updates, including greater coverage of CMOS PA design, RFIC design with on-chip components, and more worked examples with simulation results. By emphasizing working designs, this book practically transports readers into the authors' own RFIC lab so they can fully understand how these designs function. This title is suitable for radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) design engineers; radio systems architects; researchers and developers of RFIC technology; and, graduate level electrical engineering students.
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