英文原版 情商 Emotional Intelligence 为什么情商比智商更重要 全英文版 PDF下载 公众号 其他格式

英文原版 情商 Emotional Intelligence 为什么情商比智商更重要 全英文版

进口原版 Health, Mind & Body(身心健康)

  • ISBN:9780553840070
  • 作者:Daniel Goleman
  • 版次:1
  • 页数:413
  • 出版社:Bantam Dell Pub Group
  • 出版时间:1996-01-01




英文原版 情商 Emotional Intelligence 为什么情商比智商更重要 全英文版截图 英文原版 情商 Emotional Intelligence 为什么情商比智商更重要 全英文版截图


书名:Emotional Intelligence 情商:为什么情商比智商更重要
作者:Daniel Goleman丹尼尔·戈尔曼
出版社名称:Bantam Dell Pub Group
商品尺寸:2.5 x 10.8 x 17.8 cm

1990年,美国耶鲁大学的萨洛维和新罕布什尔大学的梅耶提出了“情商”的概念。美国哈佛大学心理学教授丹尼尔·戈尔曼在系统研究情商理论的基础上写成了惊世巨作Emotional Intelligence《情商:为什么情商比智商更重要》。这本书出版后即在美国企业界与教育界掀起一阵情商旋风。接下来数年时间里,“情商”概念横扫,《情商》一书也被翻译成数十种文字,影响了数代人!该书成为20世纪极具影响力的话题书籍之一,也被公认为帮助我们认识自我潜能、获得成功的重量级好书!

“提升情商,使得我们能够用有限的知识去运作无限的世界,更适合当前压力过大的生存环境。有助于我们获得阳光心态,缔造和谐快乐,享受幸福人生。” ——吴维库 清华大学经济管理学院教授

“《情商》是一本影响力很大的书。它真的能让人相信,要想成功,情商占80%的影响,智商只占20%。”——黑幼龙 卡内基训练大中华地区负责人

“丹尼尔·戈德曼教授有的学术功底,有记者的生花妙笔,精彩的将学术界的研究成果介绍给世人,带领大家一起迎接情商新世纪。” ——张怡筠 心理学家、情商研究专家

“成功学家卡耐基曾经说过,成功是由15%的技能与85%的为人处世构成的。我更愿意解读为:在现代社会,情商对成功起着决定性的作用。情商对于每一个人来说都至关重要,一个拥有良好情商的人不仅仅能承受各种心理压力,更能够坦然面对竞争,创造成功的机会。” ——胡邓博士 电视台《心理访谈》心理专家
Is IQ destiny? Not nearly as much as we think. This fascinating and persuasive program argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely in terms of how we do in life.
Drawing on groundbreaking brain and behavioral research, Daniel Goleman shows the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do well. These factors add up to a different way of being smart — one he terms "emotional intelligence." This includes self-awareness and impulse control, persistence, zeal and self-motivation, empathy and social deftness.
These are the qualities that mark people who excel in life, whose relationships flourish, who are stars in the workplace. Lack of emotional intelligence can sabotage the intellect and ruin careers. Perhaps the greatest toll is on children, for whom risks include depression, eating disorders, unwanted pregnancies, aggressiveness and crime.
But the news is hopeful. Emotional intelligence is not fixed at birth, and the author shows how its vital qualities can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us. And because the emotional lessons a child learns actually sculpt the brain’s circuitry, he provides guidance as to how parents and schools can best use this window of opportunity in childhood. The message of this eye-opening program is one we must take to heart: the true "bell curve" for a democracy must measure emotional intelligence.

Is IQ destiny? Not nearly as much as we think. This fascinating and persuasive study argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely in terms of how we succeed in life.
Drawing on the latest in brain and behavioural research, Daniel Goleman shows the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do well. These factors add up to a different way of being bright one that he terms “emotional intelligence”. This includes self-awareness and impulse control, persistence, zeal and self-motivation, empathy and social deftness: the qualities that mark people who excel in life, whose relationships flourish, who are stars in their work. Lack of emotional intelligence can sabotage the intellect and ruin their careers. The good news is that emotional intelligence is not fixed at birth. The author shows how its vital qualities can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us. And because the emotional lessons a child learns actually “sculpt” and create the brain’s circuitry, he provides guidance as to how parents and schools can best use this window of opportunity in childhood.

Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., covers the behavioral and brain sciences forThe New York Times and his articles appear throughout the world in syndication. He has taught at Harvard (where he received his Ph.D.) and was formerly senior editor atPsychology Today. His previous books includeVital Lies, Simple Truths and, as co-author,The Creative Spirit.

Aristotle’s Challenge亚里士多德的挑战
Part One The Emotional Brain情绪大脑
1.What are Emotions For? 情绪的功能
2. Anatomy of an Emotional Hijacking情绪失控
Part Two The Nature ofEmotional Intelligence情商的本质
3.When Smart is Dumb愚蠢的聪明人
4. Know Thyself认识自己
5. Passion’s Slaves激情的奴隶
6. The Master Aptitude主导性向
7. The Roots of Empathy同理心的根源
8. The Social Arts社交艺术
Part Three Emotional Intelligence Applied情商的运用
9. Intimate Enemies密敌人
10. Managing with Heart用心管理
11. Mind and Medicine心与药
Part Four Windows of Opportunity机会之窗
12. The Family Crucible家庭熔炉
13. Trauma and Emotional Relearning精神创伤和情绪再学习
14. Temperament is not Destiny性格非命运
Part Five Emotional Literacy情绪素养
15. The Cost of Emotional Illiteracy情绪盲的代价
16. Schooling the Emotions情绪教育
Appendix A: What is Emotion? 附录A: 什么是情绪
AppendixB: Hallmarks of the Emotional Mind附录B: 情绪心理的特征
AppendixC: The Neural Circuitry of Fear附录C: 恐惧的神经回路
Appendix D: W. T. Grant Consortium: Active Ingredients of Prevention Programs附录D: W·T·格兰特财团:预防项目的活跃因素
Appendix E:The Self Science Curriculum附录E: 自我科学课程
AppendixF: Social and Emotional Learning: Results附录F: 社交与情绪学习:效果
Notes 注释

The New Yardstick
The rules for work are changing. We’re being judged by a new yardstick: not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and each other. This yardstick is increasingly applied in choosing who will be hired and who will not, who will be let go and who retained, who passed over and who promoted.
The new rules predict who is most likely to become a star performer and who is most prone to derailing. And, no matter what field we work in currently, they measure the traits that are crucial to our marketability for future jobs.
These rules have little to do with what we were told was important in school; academic abilities are largely irrelevant to this standard. The new measure takes for granted having enough intellectual ability and technical know-how to do our jobs; it focuses instead on personal qualities, such as initiative and empathy, adaptability and persuasiveness.
This is no passing fad, nor just the management nostrum of the moment. The data that argue for taking it seriously are based on studies of tens of thousands of working people, in callings of every kind. The research distills with unprecedented precision which qualities mark a star performer. And it demonstrates which human abilities make up the greater part of the ingredients for excellence at work—most especially for leadership.
If you work in a large organization, even now you are probably being evaluated in terms of these capabilities, though you may not know it. If you are applying for a job, you are likely to be scrutinized through this lens, though, again, no one will tell you so explicitly. Whatever your job, understanding how to cultivate these capabilities can be essential for success in your career.
If you are part of a management team, you need to consider whether your organization fosters these competencies or discourages them. To the degree your organizational climate nourishes these competencies, your organization will be more effective and productive. You will maximize your group’s intelligence, the synergistic interaction of every person’s best talents.
If you work for a small organization or for yourself, your ability to perform at peak depends to a very great extent on your having these abilities—though almost certainly you were never taught them in school. Even so, your career will depend, to a greater or lesser extent, on how well you have mastered these capacities.
In a time with no guarantees of job security, when the very concept of a “job” is rapidly being replaced by “portable skills,” these are prime qualities that make and keep us employable. Talked about loosely for decades under a variety of names, from “character” and “personality” to “soft skills” and “competence,” there is at last a more precise understanding of these human talents, and a new name for them: emotional intelligence.

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