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预订Physical Agents

进口原版 Religion & Spirituality(宗教与精神生活)

  • ISBN:9780803676671
  • 版次:1
  • 出版社:F.A. Davis Publishers
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预订Physical Agents截图



书名: Physical Agents
作者: Barbara J. Behrens
ISBN13: 9780803676671
类型: Paperback
语种: 英语
出版日期: 2020-10-30
出版社: F.A. Davis Publishers
页数(仅供参考,以实物为准): 960

  • Illustrated, user-friendly design helps you think more critically as a therapist and strengthen the concepts that are critical to your success. Content focuses on functional outcomes and the importance of documentation. Case studies and checklists for application procedures foster decision-making skills. Patient scenarios outline utilization of the physical agent, and include documentation, safety features, information about the patient that would alter treatment, what should be done after the physical agent, and where the physical agent fits into the treatment plan. Guided lab activities demonstrate how to apply theory to practice. Terminology reflects the APTA's
Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Indications and contraindications for each physical agent provide a resource you can use in specific situations. Quick reference section features commonly used abbreviations and acronyms, units of measure, and conversion charts. Sample assignments for implementing evidence-based practice into the study of biophysical agents incorporate clinical instructors into the discussion. Sample discussion points show you how to approach clinicians who are hesitant to accept biophysical agents into their clinical practice or discuss the potential for its use with their patients. (来源indiebound)
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