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预订Ex-Magazzino Vini/Eataly Trieste

进口原版 Religion & Spirituality(宗教与精神生活)

  • ISBN:9788899534547
  • 版次:1
  • 出版社:Forma Edizioni/ ACC Ar
  • 作者:
  • 出版时间:




预订Ex-Magazzino Vini/Eataly Trieste截图



书名: Ex-Magazzino Vini/Eataly Trieste
作者: Luca Molinari
ISBN13: 9788899534547
类型: Paperback
语种: 英语
出版日期: 2019-01-04
出版社: Forma Edizioni/ ACC Art Books Ltd.
页数(仅供参考,以实物为准): 208

- The story of the recovery and transformation of the 19th century home of the former wine warehouse on the seaside boulevard of Trieste The complete and detailed story of the recovery and transformation of the 19th century home of the former wine warehouse on the seaside boulevard of Trieste, with numerous engaging work site images that reveal the complexity of the building phases, the specificity of the work processes that were necessary and the shots of the results upon completion. The design does not modify the original volume but invades it by excavating the space for another completely independent, ethereal and translucent building inside it, sized to reflect the rhythm of the masonry wall of the original fa ade. The physical gap between the new 'product' and the historical screen has become a fascinating locus between internal and external. The glass that seals the internal shell reflects the outlines of the warehouse walls and their openings, allowing for visibility of the activities that are being conducted inside. The monograph is introduced by critical and descriptive essays and accompanied by a wealth of iconographic material including technical drawings at various scales. (来源indiebound)
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