
现货 Haynes手册 机敏级攻击核潜艇手册 英文原版 Astute Class Nuclear Submarine Owners\' Workshop Manual截图


Product Details 基本信息
ISBN-13 书号 9781785210716
Author 作者 JonathanGates
Pages Number 页数 192页
Publisher 出版社 Haynes Publishing Group
Publication Date 出版日期 20180514
Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 27 x 21 x 1.5 cm
Shipping Weight 商品重量 845
Book Description 内容简介 The Astute-class is the largest, most advanced and most powerful attack submarine ever operated by the Royal Navy, combining world-leading sensors, design and weaponry in a versatile vessel. The submarines are nuclear-propelled and fuelled by a nuclear reactor powerful enough to supply a city the size of Southampton. Its advanced technology means the submarines will never need to be refuelled. They employ the latest sonar technology, using the largest number of hydrophones ever fitted to a submarine. Linked with powerful onboard electronics these provide the submarines with outstanding sensitivity. The Astute submarines are armed with the latest versions of Spearfish heavy-weight torpedoes and Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles.



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