古希腊哲学家皮面精装 Ancient Greek Philosophers 英文原版 (Leather-bound Classics)全英文版进口原版英语书籍 PDF下载 公众号 其他格式

古希腊哲学家皮面精装 Ancient Greek Philosophers 英文原版 (Leather-bound Classics)全英文版进口原版英语书籍

进口原版 Religion & Spirituality(宗教与精神生活)

  • ISBN:9781684125531
  • 作者:Editors Of CANT
  • 版次:9781684125531
  • 出版社:Simon & Schusters US
  • 审图号:9781684125531
  • 出版时间:




古希腊哲学家皮面精装 Ancient Greek Philosophers 英文原版 (Leather-bound Classics)全英文版进口原版英语书籍截图 古希腊哲学家皮面精装 Ancient Greek Philosophers 英文原版 (Leather-bound Classics)全英文版进口原版英语书籍截图



书名:Ancient Greek Philosophers (Leather-bound Classics)古希腊哲学家 皮质封面

作者:Editors of Canterbury Classics

出版社名称:Canterbury Classics




商品尺寸:15.8 x 5.3 x 23.5 cm




你曾经对文明的发展感到好奇吗?在古希腊,人们讨论什么话题?这本书汇集了柏拉图、亚里士多德和其他哲学大师的思想,将引领你的思想踏上探索伦理、道德、法律、医学等的启蒙之旅。这本漂亮的Canterbury Classics附有一篇研究古典文学的著名学者所著的引言。书籍装帧精美,皮面包装精装本,纸的三边镶有镀金,特别设计的扉页,必定是您图书馆中喜爱的纪念收藏本。

"Philosophy begins in wonder."--Plato

Have you ever wondered about the development of civilization? What topics were discussed in the days of Ancient Greece? This collection of thoughts from Plato, Aristotle, and other masters of philosophy will lead your mind on a journey of enlightened exploration into ethics, morality, law, medicine, and more. With an introduction by a distinguished scholar of classic literature, this beautiful Canterbury Classics bonded-leather volume with gilded edges and specially designed endpapers is sure to be a favorite keepsake edition in your library.


Canterbury Classics is an imprint of Printers Row Publishing Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC, the largest full-service book distributor to non-trade booksellers in North America. Canterbury Classics publishes classic works of literature in fresh, modern formats. From elegant leather-bound editions to whimsical pop-up books to the best-selling Word Cloud Classics series and more, our extensive collection is sure to captivate and inspire readers and brighten bookshelves.


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