碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8 PDF下载 公众号 其他格式




碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图 碟形世界8:卫兵!卫兵!英文原版 科幻小说 Discworld Novel 8截图


Discworld Novel 8:Guards! Guards!


《碟形世界》系列(Discworld)是英国知名奇幻小说畅销作家Terry Pratchett创作的系列作品,已出版四十余部,该系列作品想象力丰富,内容风趣幽默有内涵,深受读者喜爱,于2003年网络票选百大科幻作品时排名第九,有部分作品已被改编成电影。

Author: Terry Pratchett

Paperback: 432 pages

Publisher: Corgi (11 Oct. 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0552166669

ISBN-13: 978-0552166669

Product Dimensions: 12.8 x 2.7 x 19.7 cm



‘Vimes ran a practised eye over the assortment before him. It was the usual Ankh-Morpork mob in times of crisis; half of them were here to complain, a quarter of them were here to watch the other half, and the remainder were here to rob, importune or sell hotdogs to the rest.’

Insurrection is in the air in Ankh-Morpork. The Haves and Have-Nots are about to fall out all over again. Captain Sam Vimes of the city’s ramshackle Night Watch is used to this. It’s enough to drive a man to drink. Well, to drink more. But this time, something is different – the Have-Nots have found the key to a dormant, lethal weapon that even they don’t fully understand, and they’re about to unleash a campaign of terror on the city. Time for Captain Vimes to sober up.


Terry Pratchett was the acclaimed creator of the global bestselling Discworld series, the first of which, The Colour of Magic, was published in 1983. In all, he was the author of over fifty bestselling books. His novels have been widely adapted for stage and screen, and he was the winner of multiple prizes, including the Carnegie Medal, as well as being awarded a knighthood for services to literature. He died in March 2015.

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