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预订Algebraic Structures and Applications: Spas 2017

进口原版 Science Fiction & Fantasy(科幻文学与玄幻)

  • ISBN:9783030418496
  • 版次:1
  • 出版社:Springer
  • 作者:
  • 出版时间:




预订Algebraic Structures and Applications: Spas 2017截图



书名: Algebraic Structures and Applications: Spas 2017, Västerås and Stockholm, Sweden, October 4-6
作者: Silvestrov, Sergei; Malyarenko, Anatoliy; Rančic, Milica
ISBN13: 9783030418496
类型: Hardcover
语种: 英语
出版日期: 44001
出版社: Springer
页数(仅供参考,以实物为准): 968

This book explores the latest advances in algebraic structures and applications, and focuses on mathematical concepts, methods, structures, problems, algorithms and computational methods important in the natural sciences, engineering and modern technologies. In particular, it features mathematical methods and models of non-commutative and non-associative algebras, hom-algebra structures, generalizations of differential calculus, quantum deformations of algebras, Lie algebras and their generalizations, semi-groups and groups, constructive algebra, matrix analysis and its interplay with topology, knot theory, dynamical systems, functional analysis, stochastic processes, perturbation analysis of Markov chains, and applications in network analysis, financial mathematics and engineering mathematics. The book addresses both theory and applications, which are illustrated with a wealth of ideas, proofs and examples to help readers understand the material and develop new mathematical methods and concepts of their own. The high-quality chapters share a wealth of new methods and results, review cutting-edge research and discuss open problems and directions for future research. Taken together, they offer a source of inspiration for a broad range of researchers and research students whose work involves algebraic structures and their applications, probability theory and mathematical statistics, applied mathematics, engineering mathematics and related areas.

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