预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集 PDF下载 公众号 其他格式

预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集

进口原版 Arts & Photography(艺术与摄影)

  • ISBN:9780714827087
  • 开本:22.6 x 1 x 30.2 cm开
  • 版次:1
  • 页数:128
  • 出版社:Phaidon
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 作者:




预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集截图 预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集截图 预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集截图 预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集截图 预售 毕加索画册集 Colour library Picasso 印象派艺术绘画大师画集截图


Paperback: 128 pages

Publisher: Phaidon Press; 2nd ed. edition (June 10 2020)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0714827088

ISBN-13: 978-0714827087

Product Dimensions: 22.9 x 1.5 x 30.6 cm

Shipping Weight: 522 g


罗兰•彭罗斯(Roland Penrose)关于毕加索的介绍性文章于1971年出版,当时这位大师还在世。彭罗斯(Penrose)本身就是一位备受赞誉的画家,他与毕加索的长期友谊使他对后者的生活和工作拥有独特的看法。David Lomas撰写的序言向我们介绍了这两位艺术家之间的友谊。他还为每幅占据整页的插图撰写了注释,详细讨论了插图,这些使本书成为了解这位20世纪画家的完美入门书。

The name which predominates in the development of art throughout the twentieth century, and to which many of the revolutionary changes are ascribed, is that of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). Not only was he one of the most influential artists, he was also one of the most versatile. This beautifully produced book surveys the whole range of his paintings, from the haunting works of the Blue Period, to the brute power of Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, the lyrical sweetness of his family portraits, the revolutionary developments of Cubism and the later manifold experimentations with form and colour.

Roland Penrose’s introductory essay on Picasso was first published in 1971, when the great master was still alive. Penrose was acclaimed in his own right as a painter, and his long friendship with Picasso gave him unique insight into his life and work. David Lomas has written a preface introducing us to the friendship between these two artists. He has also written notes to each full-page colour plate, discussing the picture in detail, making this a perfect introduction to the twentieth century’s most famous artist.


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