美日开战 Debt of Honor Tom Clancy 英文原版小说军事反恐 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 全英文版 PDF下载 公众号 其他格式

美日开战 Debt of Honor Tom Clancy 英文原版小说军事反恐 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 全英文版

进口原版 Mystery & Thrillers(神秘与惊悚)

  • ISBN:9780425147580
  • 开本:48开
  • 版次:1
  • 页数:1008
  • 出版社:Berkley Books
  • 出版时间:1995-01-01
  • 作者:




美日开战 Debt of Honor Tom Clancy 英文原版小说军事反恐 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 全英文版截图 美日开战 Debt of Honor Tom Clancy 英文原版小说军事反恐 汤姆克兰西 Jack Ryan 杰克瑞安系列 全英文版截图


书名:Debt of Honor:A Jack Ryan Novel (Book 6) 美日开战
作者:Tom Clancy汤姆
商品尺寸:10.8 x 4.3 x 17.5 cm

Debt of Honor《美日开战》一书切合时局,反映出汤姆·克兰西一贯的风格,叙事写实,情节错综复杂,布局巧妙,环环相扣,恰如《圣路易邮报》所评:“汤姆·克兰西真是说故事的专家。”

Razio Yamata is one of Japan’s most influential industrialists, and part of a relatively small group of authority who wield tremendous authority in the Pacific Rim’s economic powerhouse.

He has devised a plan to cripple the American greatness, humble the US military, and elevate Japan to a position of dominance on the world stage.

Yamata’s motivation lies in his desire to pay off a Debt of Honor to his parents and to the country he feels is responsible for their deaths—America. All he needs is a catalyst to set his plan in motion.

When the faulty gas tank on one Tennessee family’s car leads to their fiery death, an opportunistic U. S. congressman uses the occasion to rush a new trade law through the system. The law is designed to squeeze Japan economically. Instead, it provides Yamata with the leverage he needs to put his plan into action.

As Yamata’s plan begins to unfold, it becomes clear to the world that someone is launching a fully-integrated operation against the United States. There’s only one man to find out who the culprit is—Jack Ryan, the new President’s National Security Advisor.

“Heart-stopping.” — Publishers Weekly, starred review
“[A] stunning conclusion.” — USA Today


A little more than thirty years ago Tom Clancy was a Maryland insurance broker with a passion for naval history. Years before, he had been an English major at Baltimore’s Loyola College and had always dreamed of writing a novel. His first effort, The Hunt for Red October—the first of the phenomenally successful Jack Ryan novels—sold briskly as a result of rave reviews, then catapulted onto the New York Times bestseller list after President Reagan pronounced it “the perfect yarn.” From that day forward, Clancy established himself as an undisputed master at blending exceptional realism and authenticity, intricate plotting, and razor-sharp suspense. He passed away in October 2013.
Sunset, Sunrise

In retrospect, it would seem an odd way to start a war. Only one of the participants knew what was really happening, and even that was a coincidence. The property settlement had been moved up on the calendar due to a death in the attorney’s family, and so the attorney was scheduled for a redeye flight, two hours from now, to Hawaii.

It was Mr. Yamata’s first property closing on American soil. Though he owned many properties in the continental United States, the actual title transfer had always been handled by other attorneys, invariably American citizens, who had done precisely what they had been paid to do, generally with oversight by one of Mr. Yamata’s employees. But not this time. There were several reasons for it. One was that the purchase was personal and not corporate. Another was that it was close, only two hours by private jet from his home. Mr. Yamata had told the settlement attorney that the property would be used for a weekend getaway house. With the astronomical price of real estate in Tokyo, he could buy several hundred acres for the price of a modestly large penthouse apartment in his city of residence. The view from the house he planned to build on the promontory would be breathtaking, a vista of the blue Pacific, other islands of the Marianas Archipelago in the distance, air as clean as any on the face of the earth. For all those reasons Mr. Yamata had offered a princely fee, and done so with a charming smile.
And for one reason more.



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