酒店英语(附光盘酒店服务与管理专业模块) PDF下载 公众号 其他格式


外语学习 职业/行业英语

  • ISBN:9787503248856
  • 作者:朱承强
  • 印次:1
  • 开本:16
  • 版次:1
  • 出版社:中国旅游
  • 出版时间:2014-01-01
  • 印刷时间:2014-01-01







商品名称: 酒店英语(附光盘酒店服务与管理专业模块)出版社: 中国旅游出版时间:2014-01-01
作者:吴云//吴文婷//钱嘉颖|主编:朱承强//陈增红 开本:16开 印刷时间: 2014-01-01
定价: 38 页数:203 印次:1




《酒店英语》始终贯穿“以职场为中心,以就业 为先导”的思想,体现了知识的应用性和可操作性。
其中,情景对话的内容按照酒店接待客人入住的工作 程序展开:前厅部、客房部、餐饮部,购物及康乐部 ;对话情景贴近酒店工作的实际,语言简洁、规范, 并配有外籍专业人士录制的英文对话光盘,语音纯正 ,情景性强,便于学生模仿和掌握。多项练习模块精 心设计,灵活多样,既增强了趣味性,又体现了实用 性,*终有效地实现了英语口语流畅交流的目的。
《酒店英语》可以作为中高职院校酒店管理、旅 游管理等专业英语类课程的教材,也可以作为酒店和 旅游从业人员的培训和自学用书。本书由吴云等主编 。


English for Hotels
Chapter 1 Hotel Inquiries
Ⅰ Hotel facilities
Ⅱ Giving hotel information
Ⅲ What would you say
Ⅳ Handicapped facilities and amenities
Ⅴ Do you have any facilities for disabled guests
Ⅵ Describing the functions of hotel facilities
Ⅶ Practice
Ⅷ Getting around the city
Ⅸ Introducing hotel facilities
Ⅹ Still to come: The Hobbit Motel, New Zealand
Ⅺ Glossary
Chapter 2 Taking Reservations
Ⅰ Discussion
Ⅱ What type of room would you like
Ⅲ Reserving a room for a couple
Ⅳ How many nights will you stay
Ⅴ Understanding guests' special requests
Ⅵ Getting guests' contact information
Ⅶ Summarizing information
Ⅷ How to upsell rooms on the phone
Ⅸ Upselling skills
Ⅹ Changing the booking
Ⅺ Role play
Ⅻ Still to come: A letter of room confirmation
ⅩⅢ Glossary
Chapter 3 Checking in Guests
Ⅰ Registration process
Ⅱ Checking in guests
Ⅲ Word learning
Ⅳ The four stages of front desk upselling
Ⅴ Role play
Ⅵ Handling special requests
Ⅶ Pair work
Ⅷ Methods of payment
Ⅸ Terms of payment
Ⅹ Still to come: Dealing with difficult situations
Ⅺ Glossary
Chapter 4 Attending to Guest Needs (1)
Ⅰ Getting to know lobby items
Ⅱ Hotel services
Ⅲ Welcoming the guest
Ⅳ Asking for or offering help
Ⅴ Valet parking
Ⅵ room tour
Ⅶ Remembering to sell
Ⅷ Storing luggage
Ⅸ What you would say
Ⅹ Still to come: Golden service standards of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Ⅺ Glossary
Chapter 5 Attending to Guest Needs (2)
Ⅰ Questions about facilities and activities
Ⅱ Queries regarding hotel or local amenities and events
Ⅲ Answering the guests' queries
Ⅳ Word practice
Ⅴ Practice
Ⅵ Answering questions on the telephone
Ⅶ Wake-up call service
Ⅷ Handling wake-up calls more effectively
Ⅸ Taking a message
Ⅹ Still to come : Providing excellent customer service
Ⅺ Glossary
Chapter 6 Guest Care in Rooms
Ⅰ Guest room supplies
Ⅱ Three steps to good guest service
Ⅲ Responding to guest requests
Ⅳ Knowing the bedroom
Ⅴ Cleaning the bathroom
Ⅵ Responding to guest instructions
Ⅶ Cleaning tasks
Ⅷ Turn-down service
Ⅸ Still to come: A housekeeping word search game
Ⅹ Glossary
Chapter7 On the Menu
Ⅰ Food knowledge review
Ⅱ The first day of the restaurant job
Ⅲ Seating the customers
Ⅳ Taking meal orders
Ⅴ Coffee culture
Ⅵ Booking a table
Ⅶ Pair work
Ⅷ Room service
Ⅸ Upselling food items
Ⅹ Still to come: World famous cuisines
Ⅺ Glossary
Chapter 8 Bar Services
Ⅰ A glassware tour
Ⅱ Setting up the bar station
Ⅲ A drink at the bar
Ⅳ Working with words
Ⅴ Being a good seller
Ⅵ At the happy hours
Ⅶ Good public relation
Ⅷ More of polite language
Ⅸ Arrangements about bills
Ⅹ Still to come: How to be a successful bartender
Ⅺ Glossary
Chapter 9 Checking out Guests
Ⅰ Discussion
Ⅱ Cashier tools
Ⅲ A normal check-out
Ⅳ Verifying methods of payment
Ⅴ A late check-out
Ⅵ Working with words
Ⅶ Pair work
Ⅷ Dealing with problems
Ⅸ Exchanging foreign currencies
Ⅹ Express check-out
Ⅺ Still to come: The guest folio
Ⅻ Glossary
Chapter 10 Handling Problems and Complaints
Ⅰ Identifying problems in the hotel
Ⅱ Reporting problems
Ⅲ Understanding complaints
Ⅳ Four steps to solving problems
Ⅴ Responding to complaints
Ⅵ Solving problems
Ⅶ Working with words
Ⅷ Practising handling guests complaints
Ⅸ Dealing with a complaining guest
Ⅹ Pair work
Ⅺ Still to come: Anecdotes of staying in the hotel
Ⅻ Glossary



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