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Asian Archaeology 3

外语学习 生活实用英语

  • ISBN:9787030440884
  • 作者:
  • 版次:1
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 出版时间:2015-07-01




Asian Archaeology 3截图


作 者:无 著定 价:120出 版 社:科学出版社出版日期:2015年07月01日页 数:175装 帧:平装ISBN:9787030440884Demography and Conflict During the Warring States and Han Periods in Northern Liaoning
James T. Williams 1
The Initial Spread of Early Agriculture into Northeast Asia
Kazuo Miyamoto 11
Comparative Analysis of Economic Activities During the Neolithic in the Sanjiang Plain and the Middle and Lower Heilongjiang River Valley
Zhao Binfu, He Qiang, Zhao Juan 27
Environmental Preconditions and Human Response: Settlement Patterns and Subsistence
Practices in the Prehistoric Liangshan Region, Southwest China
Anke Hein 39
The Transformation of Cultural Exchange Between North China and the Eurasian Steppe fromthe Late Warring States Period to the Middle Western Han
Pan Ling 95
Contact and Exchange in Northern China: A Case Study on the Tomb of a Zoroastrian Sogdian, Kang Ye (512–571 CE)
Mandy Jui-man Wu 107
Paleopathological Study of Human Remains from the Bronze Age Shilinggang Site in Nujiang, Yunnan, Southwest China
Zhao Dongyue, Zhu Hong, Kang Lihong 129
In Pursuit of Evidence for Local Production of Bohai Tricolored Earthenware: Chemical Analyses of Lead Glaze Ceramics Excavated from Kraskino and Gorbatka in the Russian Maritime Province
Furihata Junko, Nakamura Akiko, Shoda Shinya, Evgeniya Gelman, Saito Tsutomu, Kojima Yoshitaka 145
Molecular Archaeological Research on Ancient Cattle from the Early Bronze Age Changning
Site, Qinghai Province
Cai Dawei, Luan Yiting, Gao Yayun, Chen , Tang Zhuowei, Ren aoyan, Zhou Hui 167
Call for Papers 本书系科学出版社文物考古分社与吉林大学边疆考古中心共同策划的介绍亚洲考古新进展的全英文系列书第3辑,本辑收录了9篇论文,内容涉及中国、蒙古、韩国、朝鲜、俄罗斯等东北亚地区考古学及各分支学科(考古年代学、动物考古学、植物考古学、体质人类学、环境考古学、分子考古学、骨化学、金相分析等)的新资料、新理论、新方法和新成果。



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