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如果事与愿违 请相信一定另有安排(中英双语)截图 如果事与愿违 请相信一定另有安排(中英双语)截图 如果事与愿违 请相信一定另有安排(中英双语)截图









我喜欢他们的饮食,但是我更喜欢他们学富五车。那真是了不起。看看他们看的书就一目了然了。他们简直就是手不释卷。无论何时到俱乐部去,你都会发现有三四个百万富翁在那里。看看他们读的那些东西吧!你准会认为,一个从上午 11 点到下午三点都在办公室努力工作、中间只有一个半小时吃中饭的人,一定会筋疲力尽。其实一点儿也不。这些人工作之余,照样能坐下来读《小品文》、《警察报》和《桃色苑》之类,而且跟我一样对其中的笑话心领神会。





他们说小麦涨价了,他们俩不到半个小时就各自赚了四分钱。这赚头让他们胃口大开,所以点了足够 16 个人吃的晚宴。我为报刊写稿挣到的钱是这点儿赚头的两倍,我都没这么炫耀过。























How to Make a Million Dollars

I mix a good deal with the Millionaires. I like them. I like their faces. I like the way they live. I like the things they eat. The more we mix together the better I like the things we mix.

Especially I like the way they dress, their grey check trousers, their white check waist-coats, their heavy gold chains, and the signet-rings that they sign their cheques with. Oh! They look nice. Get six or seven of them sitting together in the club and it’s a treat to see them. And if they get the least dust on them, men come and brush it off. Yes, and are glad to. I’d like to take some of the dust off them myself.

Even more than what they eat I like their intellectual grasp. It is wonderful. Just watch them read. They simply read all the time. Go into the club at any hour and you’ll see three or four of them at it. And the things they can read! You’d think that a man who’d been driving hard in the office from eleven o’clock until three, with only an hour and a half for lunch, would be too fagged. Not a bit. These men can sit down after office hours and read the Sketch and the Police Gazette and the Pink Un, and understand the jokes just as well as I can.

What I love to do is to walk up and down among them and catch the little scraps of conversation. The other day I heard one lean forward and say,“Well, I offered him a million and a half and said I wouldn’t give a cent more, he could either take it or leave it—”I just longed to break in and say,“What! what! a million and a half ! Oh! Say that again! Offer it to me, to either take it or leave it. Do try me once. I know I can, or here, make it a plain million and let’s call it done.”

Not that these men are careless over money. No, sir. Don’t think it. Of course they don’t take much account of big money, a hundred thousand dollars at a shot or anything of that sort. But little money. You’ve no idea till you know them how anxious they get about a cent, or half a cent, or less.

Why, two of them came into the club the other night just frantic with delight: they said wheat had risen and they’d cleaned up four cents each in less than half an hour. They bought a dinner for sixteen on the strength of it. I don’t understand it. I’ve often made twice as much as that writing for the papers and never felt like boasting about it.

One night I heard one man say,“Well, let’s call up New York and offer them a quarter of a cent.” Great heavens! Imagine paying the cost of calling up New York, nearly five million people, late at night and offering them a quarter of a cent! And yet—did New York get mad? No, they took it. Of course it’s high finance. I don’t pretend to understand it. I tried after that to call up Chicago and offer it a cent and a half, and to call up Hamilton, Ontario, and offer it half a dollar, and the operator only thought I was crazy.

All this shows, of course, that I’ve been studying how the millionaires do it. I have. For years. I thought it might be helpful to young men just beginning to work and anxious to stop.

You know, many a man realizes late in life that if when he was a boy he had known what he knows now, instead of being what he is he might be what he won’t; but how few boys stop to think that if they knew what they don’t know instead of being what they will be, they wouldn’t be? These are awful thoughts.

At any rate, I’ve been gathering hints on how it is they do it.

One thing I’m sure about. If a young man wants to make a million dollars he’s got to be mighty careful about his diet and his living. This may seem hard. But success is only achieved with pains.

There is no use in a young man who hopes to make a million dollars thinking he’s entitled to get up at 7:30a.m., eat force and poached eggs, drink cold water at lunch, and go to bed at 10 p.m. You can’t do it. I’ve seen too many millionaires for that. If you want to be a millionaire you mustn’t get up till ten in the morning. They never do. They daren’t. It would be as much as their business is worth if they were seen on the street at half-past nine.


怎样成为百万富翁 / How to Make a Million Dollars·1

客服热线 / Help Line·12

招聘启事:只招外星人 / Outsourced·18

换货 / The Exchange·25

借火柴 / Borrowing a Match·33

拼字游戏导致的死亡 / Death by Scrabble·38

许可证 / Licence·49

米尔博米纳斯·琼斯的悲惨命运 / The Awful Fate of Melpomenus


我有病 / The Imaginary Invalid·64

情人 / The Lover·71

南方男人 / Man from the South·82

返璞归真 / Going Back to Our Roots·91

免费的午餐 / A Free Lunch·100

怎样成为百万富翁 / How to Make a Million Dollars·1

客服热线 / Help Line·12

招聘启事:只招外星人 / Outsourced·18

换货 / The Exchange·25

借火柴 / Borrowing a Match·33

拼字游戏导致的死亡 / Death by Scrabble·38

许可证 / Licence·49

米尔博米纳斯·琼斯的悲惨命运 / The Awful Fate of Melpomenus


我有病 / The Imaginary Invalid·64

情人 / The Lover·71

南方男人 / Man from the South·82

返璞归真 / Going Back to Our Roots·91

免费的午餐 / A Free Lunch·100




—— 《怎样成为百万富翁》


—— 《返璞归真》



—— 《纯肉制造》


—— 《丢心》



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